Give people a rating score like on ebay! Best idea ever eh?
What you do is give people the option to rate people, any person they see from day to day. It would work with a chip and some kind of chip ‘reader’ which would be issued to everyone on the planet. You point your reader at someone and press a button, then you can enter your rating and brief description or explanation of why you chose that score. Then after time, once people accumulate enough ratings you would have an accurate, socialy generated rating of a person.
Muggers would have a terrible score, care home workers would get a great score.
Some things it would need to incorporate:
1. intoxicant detection: no ratings from messed up people
2. Repeat ratings are not allowed
3. You would be able to look somewhere, like on the internet at the ratings you have received – On that site you will have the ability to ‘contest’ a score, and invigilators will look into the issue (unless people keep contesting their bad scores repeatedly, then the invigilators issue a bad score for being silly)
4. The ability to amend a rating you have given someone (if you notice, for example, you rated someone low for undertaking you one day – but it turns out you meet them later and they are a jolly nice person who was in a hurry to get their pregnant wife to hospital)
5. Minimum age to rate… 16?
Possible implications:
- Employers and banks etc would use it to guage the character of potential employees – and heavy discrimination would become commonplace. However at the same time this discrimination would be more accurate, because the people who are being discriminated against have been identified by the PUBLIC AT LARGE as being an asshole.
- a new form of crime would include people with rubbish scores forcing members of the public to give them a good score to increse their average. Victims of this sort of crime can contest a good rating too – like as described above.
- Every person in the world would need to be given a chip and a chip ‘reader’. Slight drawback.
- Lower scored members of the community would feel ostracized for getting bad scores all the time. Great – the point of the system has been made.
- Perhaps the majority of people who rate a person get it wrong, and the score does not reflect the person in the way it should.
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