
tldr; These days this is a blog of my solo travels, but sometimes I may post things I feel I'd like documented somewhere

Yet more about-ness

This blog started life in 2005 sometime as a list of 30 things to do before I am 30. But with various migrations and life events I found myself older than 30 - so decided to sunset updates surrounding that, and re-purpose the blog as largely a travel blog, with some other stuff if I felt like it.

There were a few other sites that I had (like a humour one with visual puns on it) - so attempted to collate anything I had written down and save it as a post here with a label & the correct date so that it's chronologically correct.

Therefore this blog houses many of the posts about various things that have held my interest over the years, or things that I have tried to do. Broadly speaking that was 30 random things, then humor and the internet, and these days seeing more of the world (mostly).

This is primarily a personal journal for my own benefit really. However if it contains something of interest to you then great!