Monday, 11 April 2011

Circle Sim

During a clean up of all the old trash that has become scattered everywhere I discovered a copy of and old game I made that quickly became an internet sensation: circle sim.

Download and have it for free! Circle Sim Download. Install instructions are in there but it’s basically just a zip file. Doesn’t even need to install or anything its so damn advanced. [edit: dont know where this file is anymore, but if you want to know then ask and i'll try to find it harder]

Now you too can experience the mind blowing excitement of being a 3d circle, slowly rotating in an endless blue void!

Far more futuristic, advanced and immersive than it’s 2d predecessor: square sim

Hope you enjoy!

Friday, 8 April 2011

The alternative Wednesday night film review – Part 1

Posted April 8th, 2011 by Rich

Every Wednesday for the last few years have been hassle free , action packed, fun filled affairs complete with plenty of girls, booze and adventure. Recently these things have increasingly been experienced vicariously through the medium of film.

That is not to say my life is currently devoid of action, fun, booze or girls though. So you can wipe that smirk off your face, you.
Ask any of my friends and they will all tell you that if my middle name had been given to me later in life, it would doubtless have been girls-action-fun-booze.

also my first name would have been victory and my surname would have also been victory.

But my parents weren’t to have known that back when I was born because I was just a rubbish baby at the time.

Anyhoo – that is a little of the background to the legend of the Wednesday night. It also has a large amount of associated lore, like if you dont touch your nose in time, you might have to phone a foreigner and ask them to bring you food. But I will spare you the details. Suffice to say these days we have taken to watch a ‘classic’ film and drink.

Last Wednesday, in an effort to avoid procrastinating too much on what classic film to watch, we decided to just write some down (a film that also someone hadn’t seen and someone seconded adding to the list). We decided to write 52. which for those math / calendar buffs amongst you will correctly calculate as a years worth of films.

This week, the number 17 was randomly drawn from a hat* and it turned out to be…


An idea that I came up with entirely by myself using my brain* was to review some of the films.

So without further-a-putting-the-title-in-the-wrong-place-because-it-seemed-appropriate-for-dramatic-effect-at-the-time….

It is a fairly brilliant documentary about this fish that mutates into a man in order to steal women.

There is this villain in it, who has managed to find a big rusty boat populated by homeless people. He has tricked his new minions into doing water sports in order to jump jet skis into floating towns and generally shoot at things for no real reason.

It turns out that the hero falls in love with this women and a girl he has stolen, and takes them to a bit of land that some crack-pot scientist suddenly figures out the location of, using a tattoo on the girl (even though he lived with the girl for ages).

When fish-man and co. get to the island fish man leaves again because he hears some birds.

Oh also the whole of earth is covered in water – so that is why the land things was noteworthy. Also it’s the future.

I would definitely recommend this to anyone who enjoys films about the survival efforts of the inhabitants of planets that are entirely covered in water/liquid.

* Brain of Mr Awesomedude

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Old writing I found in drive

This was written back in 2011 - and is really only of interest to me. Must have been feeling sorry for myself

Today is naff old weather. Not sure if its that, tiredness, not talking to [deleted], or lack of blood sugar that is making me a little glum - yet glum I am. I guess it must be all 3!

I am supposed to be going out this evening and I am not sure I can really be bothered...

I have been playing a lot of an online game recently - which is enjoyably tactical. I am not brilliant at it, but have only been playing for two weeks and I have made heaps of progress in 1v1 - and get scores that are better or about what some of my friends get.

it is nice to have a big distraction like this - to take my mind off my troubles. But then at the same time it does make me antisocial. Not like the ambitious me of a few posts ago [edit: not sure what I'm referring to by that, it's not referring to this blog].

The one benefit I convinced myself of is that being all in your face socially does not make you look cool. Cool people are the ones that are off doing something mysterious. Might be cool, it might not... but the fact is it might. But if your sat there in front of someone then they know exactly what you are up to.

The other problem is that a whole bunch of my friends are all crammed into our house so know what I’m up to anyway.

And it is starting to annoy me a little bit. At the moment I feel torn between going and having a sleep and nuking myself with beer.

I also need a haircut.