Thursday, 20 January 2011

Old writing I found in drive

This was written back in 2011 - and is really only of interest to me. Must have been feeling sorry for myself

Today is naff old weather. Not sure if its that, tiredness, not talking to [deleted], or lack of blood sugar that is making me a little glum - yet glum I am. I guess it must be all 3!

I am supposed to be going out this evening and I am not sure I can really be bothered...

I have been playing a lot of an online game recently - which is enjoyably tactical. I am not brilliant at it, but have only been playing for two weeks and I have made heaps of progress in 1v1 - and get scores that are better or about what some of my friends get.

it is nice to have a big distraction like this - to take my mind off my troubles. But then at the same time it does make me antisocial. Not like the ambitious me of a few posts ago [edit: not sure what I'm referring to by that, it's not referring to this blog].

The one benefit I convinced myself of is that being all in your face socially does not make you look cool. Cool people are the ones that are off doing something mysterious. Might be cool, it might not... but the fact is it might. But if your sat there in front of someone then they know exactly what you are up to.

The other problem is that a whole bunch of my friends are all crammed into our house so know what I’m up to anyway.

And it is starting to annoy me a little bit. At the moment I feel torn between going and having a sleep and nuking myself with beer.

I also need a haircut.

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