Thursday, 3 June 2010


I recently decided to listen to a band the kids are currently listening to. Using a music player the kids are currently using. So I rushed off to the shops to buy ‘spotify’ for my computer. The guy there hadn’t heard of it – so I had to use an Internet the kids are all using…

Turns out though its some kind of secret club that you can only become a part of if you know someone who already has it, that will let you in. Like the masons or something.

Anyway I took the easy route and bought my way in with monies. Pretty good all in all – but I noticed that it’s musical recommendation leave something to be desired…

Here’s one for the music fans – click the pic to read the words

Well if you know who pendulum are, or any of those other people underlined are then you might see my issues here.

good service otherwise! go get it if you can. Its only available in awesome countries though. You also have to be awesome to install it.

There is a questionnaire and everything.

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