Thursday, 31 May 2012

Iron Sky

It seems that England is now ensnared by summer's relentlessly balmy paws, making work and sleep seem slightly more of a challenge than I remember them being. One way you can tell if it is summer is that Brightonians are contractually obliged to go out and do something fun every other evening.

On Monday it was a barbeque on the beach and kite flying:

Yesterday at the week's midpoint (Wednesday) my friends and I gathered as usual for communal eating and film watching fare!

We all sat beshorted, eating Thai food and enjoyed what I am sure is already a cult favourite: Iron Sky. Despite a plot that is at best a little haphazard (a property my friend pointed out was shared by my face) I thought that it was pretty enjoyable. The effects were brilliant and space nazis! the premise alone was almost enough to carry the film. There were also some amusing cultural references. So would I recommend it?


Unless you don't mind watching 'B-Movies'

An enjoyable evening all told. I give it a 7.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012


Through a process I like to think of as organic, although in actuality is just haphazard and 'on the fly' I am redesigning the blog. Basically this is because it hasn't changed in over 5 years, and felt that a different look might better reflect what I will be writing about.

As such over the coming weeks the blog will look increasingly different and (hopefully) more awesome.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

The best thing ever

Well I can't have my super awesome blog sitting here without an update. I can hardly post about how I have done fuck all on the list - so I will post about whatever the hell I want. Just so long as it brings a smile to the little face of you, dearest reader.

Today, what is on my mind is how I have seen a few pretty damn sexy films is what is on my mind. Seeing as I have absolutely no experience with film reviews I thought I would be the best person to write about them.

1. The new avengers one, called assemble or something similar. gather? coalesce? can't remember. Anyway its Joss Whedon directing a film lots of people want to see and he does a great job. It's got humor and great action.

2. Pirates in an adventure with scientists. Its a claymation film aimed at kids but it is damn funny actually

3. Red State. Better than I was lead to believe. I liked how you get attached to many of the characters - however small - even if they end up with a bullet in the eye. Some dull bits with people waffling on about Jesus.

So watch all three and it will make you happy and successful and more attractive to the opposite sex for realz.

Oh and the best thing ever is tea and toast.