Thursday, 31 May 2012

Iron Sky

It seems that England is now ensnared by summer's relentlessly balmy paws, making work and sleep seem slightly more of a challenge than I remember them being. One way you can tell if it is summer is that Brightonians are contractually obliged to go out and do something fun every other evening.

On Monday it was a barbeque on the beach and kite flying:

Yesterday at the week's midpoint (Wednesday) my friends and I gathered as usual for communal eating and film watching fare!

We all sat beshorted, eating Thai food and enjoyed what I am sure is already a cult favourite: Iron Sky. Despite a plot that is at best a little haphazard (a property my friend pointed out was shared by my face) I thought that it was pretty enjoyable. The effects were brilliant and space nazis! the premise alone was almost enough to carry the film. There were also some amusing cultural references. So would I recommend it?


Unless you don't mind watching 'B-Movies'

An enjoyable evening all told. I give it a 7.

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