Well I woke up pretty early this morning and in that semi-lucid daydream for some reason started thinking about things I have written. I realised that there was a lot of stuff I have written somewhere or other in the past that I would be interested in reading again. In other words, rather than being sensible and keeping things all in one place I scattered my thoughts as widely across the internets I could.
I wanted to see if I can track them down.
I since did so, and the result was that I came across various bits, such as my humor blog: punarama which now only exists in the waybackmachine*... also this blog that I haven't updated in quite some time. "I can put these scattered things all into one place!" I thought, "This place!". But a part of me also argued that it would be nice to leave this blog free of the random and general musings, but then I had an idea - why not use effective tagging? Like tag all of the “travelly” posts, old ones to do with 30 things to do before im 30, and "other" humour posts etc.
So that's what I did, and presumably what you are currently looking at. Isn't that just peachy?
So over time I'll be adding posts. More accurately, I'll be inserting posts, because I will be setting the accurate dates for the stuff I find in case I want to review anything in a sensible and chronological order. Also soon to come will be the diary I kept when travelling in s/e asia, its been nearly 2 years so that's long overdue...
*and most of 'em also on this blog now!
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